Monday, 19 July 2010
Rabbit Breeds
16:30 | Posted by
Tyn |
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6-8.5 lbs (2.7-3.9 kg)
Thick coat.
Originated in Germany
9-12 lbs (4.1-5.5 kg)
Blue, white
Medium build, narrow head.
American Checkered Giant
11 lbs or greater (5 kg)
White with black or blue markings (along spine, body spots, cheek spots, colored ears, eye circles and butterfly mark on nose).
American Chinchilla
9-12 lbs (4.1-5.5 kg)
Dense, fine hair that is smooth and glossy (1 1/4 inch long coat).
Relatively round body.
American Fuzzy Lop
3.5-4 lbs (1.6-1.8 kg)
Variety of coat colors
Compact muscular body, dense, coarse coat, and of course, ears folded over to slightly below the jaw.
American Sable
7-10 lbs (3.2-4.5 kg)
Sepia brown
Medium build with soft, dense fine coat with coarse guard hairs.
Variety of sizes and colors
English angora: 5-7 lbs (2.3-3.2 kgs), long silky hair.
French angora: 7.5-10.5 lbs (3.4-4.8 kg)
Giant Angora: 8.5 lbs (3.9 kg) and up, soft fine undercoat (wool), straight stiff guard hairs, and a wavy fluff with a guard tip inbetween.
Satin Angora: 6.5-9.5 lbs (3-4.3 kg), very fine wool.
5-8 lbs (2.3-3.6 kg)
Black, blue, brown, or creamy white.
Belgian Hare
6-9.5 lbs (2.7-4.3 kg)
Reddish tan or chestnut with slate blue undercoloring. Slender build, fairly stiff coat.
Britannia Petite
Under 2.5 lbs (1.1kg)
Ruby eyed white, black otter, black, chestnut agouti.
Slender, fine boned build with a sleek, silky coat.
8-12 lbs (3.6-4.5 kg)
White, with black nose, ears, feet and tail.
Rounded body, medium build, and short smooth coat.
Champagne d'Argent
9-12 lbs (4.1-5.5 kg)
Bluish white with black hairs interspersed and slate blue undercolor.
Plump body. Black at birth; white hairs start showing at about 2 months.
Checkered Giant
Over 11 lbs (5 kg)
White with black or blue markings (along spine, body spots, cheek spots, colored ears, eye circles and butterfly mark on nose).
Long, hare-like body.
5.5-6.5 lbs (2.5-3.1 kg)
Fine boned.
8.5-11 lbs (3.9-5 kg)
Rust or cinnamon color with grey ticking on back and grey on belly. Rust colored spots inside hind legs as well as butterfly mark on nose and eye rings.
Creme d'Argent
8-11 lbs (3.6-5 kg)
Creamy white with orange undercoat, and butterfly marking on nose.
3.5-5.5 lbs (1.6-2.5 kg)
White with black, blue or brown, chocolate, steel or tortoise.
The front of the face, body, and the back feet are white; the rest is colored.
Dwarf Hotot
Under 3 lbs (1.4 kg)
White with black eye rings. Rounded body.
English Lop
Over 9 lbs (4.1 kg)
Agouti, broken, self, shaded, ticked or wide band color groups. Very long lop ears.
English Spot
5-8 lbs (2.3-3.6 kg)
White with black, blue, chocolate, gold, grey, lilac or tortoise. Marking include butterfly mark on nose, colored ears, eye rings, spine marking (which is herringboned) and a spot on the cheek and a chain of spots along the body. Long arched body (like a hare).
Flemish Giant (Patagonian)
13 lbs (5.9 kg) and over
Black, blue, fawn, light grey, sandy, steel grey, white. Long rabbit, heavy build (but shouldn't be fat).
Florida White
4-6 lbs (1.8-2.7 kg)
Pure white. Rounded body.
French Lop
10 lbs (4.5 kg) and over.
Agouti, broken, self, shaded, ticked or wide band groups.
Muscular heavy build.
Giant Chinchilla
12-16 lbs (5.5-7.3 kg)
Chinchilla coloration. Heavy build, rounded body.
Giant Papillon
13-14 lbs (5.9-6.4 kg)
White with markings - similar to English Spot except patches on sides instead of spots.
6.5-9.5 lbs (3-4.3 kg)
Black, blue, chocolate, lilac.
Striking patterns alternating bands of color and white, with half the face white and the other half colored, and the ear on the white side colored, and vice versa.
4.5-6.5 lbs (2-3 kg)
Black, blue, chocolate. Compact, rounded body.
2.5-4.5 lbs (1.1-2 kg)
Black, blue, chocolate, lilac. Coloration develops on cooler extrmities - ears, nose, tail, feet and legs.
Holland Lop
Under 4 lbs (1.8 kg)
Agouti, broken, pointed white, self, shaded, ticked, or wide band color groups. Muscular build, lop ears.
8-11 lbs (3.6-5 kg)
White with black eye ring. Well rounded body.
Jersey Wolly
Under 3.5 lbs (1.6 kg)
Wide variety of colors, long wooly coat.
5.5-8 lbs (2.5-3.6 kg)
Lilac coloration. Compact body and dense coat.
Mini Lop
4.5-6.5 lbs (2-3 kg)
Agouti, broken, pointed white, self, shaded, ticked, or wide band color groups. Muscular and compact.
Mini Rex
3-4.5 lbs (1.4-2 kg)
Black, blue, broken group, castor, chinchilla, chocolate, himilayan, lilac, lynx, opal, red, seal tortoise, white.
Netherland Dwarf
Under 2.5 lbs (1.1 kg)
Self group, shaded group, agouti group, tan pattern group, fawn, himilayan, orange, steel, tortoiseshell. Ears seem to short for head.
New Zealand
9-12 lbs (4.1-5.5 kg)
Black, red, white. Long muscular body.
Under 9.5 lbs (4.3 kg)
Golden, lynx.
Under 3.5 lbs (1.6 kg)
Black, blue, chocolate, blue-eyed white, ruby-eyed white. Also has very short ears.
7.5-10.5 lbs (3.4-4.8 kg)
Black, black otter, blue, broken group, californian, castor, chinchilla, chocolate, lilac, lynx, opal, red, sable, seal, white.
6.5-10 lbs (3-4.5 kg)
White with black and bright golden orange markings (6-8 round markings on each side of the back part of the body, as well as a spine marking, butterfly mark on the nose, eye circles, colord ears, and round cheek spots).
8.5-11 lbs (3.9-5 kg)
Black, blue, broken group, californian, chinchilla, chocolate, copper, red, siamese, white.
4-7 lbs (1.8-3.2 kg)
Black, brown, fawn with silver/white guard hairs.
Silver Fox
9-12 lbs (4.1-5.5 kg)
Jet black with silvering.
Silver Marten
6-9.5 lbs (2.7-4.3 kg)
Black, blue, chocolate, sable with silver-tipped guard hairs.
Standard Chinchilla
5-7.5 lbs (2.3-3.4 kg)
Chinchilla coloration. Rounded body.
4-6 lbs (1.8-2.7 kg)
Black, blue, chocolate, or lilac with tan (eye circles, nostrils, jowls, ears, backs of legs, toes, chest, belly, tail and neck collar).
While the breed of a rabbit, in most cases, has little impact on its quality as a pet, a potential owner may be interested in the adult or full grown size of the rabbit. This page lists breeds recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association, grouped by size.
Small - 2 to 6 lbs (0.9-2.7 kg)
- American Fuzzy Lop
Britannia Petite
Dwarf Hotot
Florida White
Holland Lop
Jersey Wolly
Mini Lop
Mini Rex
Netherland Dwarf
- American Sable
Belgian Hare
English angora
English Spot
French angora
Satin Angora
Silver Marten
Standard Chinchilla
- American
American Chinchilla
Champagne d'Argent
Creme d'Argent
English Lop
Giant Angora
New Zealand
Silver Fox
Flemish Giant (Patagonian)
French Lop
Giant Chinchilla
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